Marathon Training March Update

Disclaimer: I received free entry to Allscripts Tobacco Road Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Well, our marathon training is complete, or (more appropriately) as complete as it’s going to be. I can’t believe it’s over a month since my last marathon update. So much has happened.

I spent three weeks in Ireland with my youngest son, catching up with family. I probably trained at around 75% of what I should have been. I did manage to run 20 miles solo which was a big achievement and something I’ll carry with me on race day.

I also ran a half marathon in Carlingford, Ireland which was just stunning. I wanted to pause along the route to take photos.

If you know me, or follow this blog, you’ll have heard of my vertigo episode a year or so ago which I believe was linked to a long flight and running too soon after landing (doh!). Thankfully, no reoccurrence of this. I made sure to rest a day or two after each flight.

It was nice to get back to North Carolina, because Xander and I missed his mommy and siblings, and it was nice to pick back up training with my running crew.

I wish I could tell you my leg/foot pain has gone away, but it hasn’t. It’s still there, and it’s reduced the total number of miles I should have been running over the last 7 weeks – without a doubt. I bought and have been wearing a tight compression sleeve on it while I run and that has been helping. After the race I may need to go and see a professional about it, as something is not right.

Due to this injury, one of the hardest things I’ve had to do this training cycle is adjust my expectations. I was hoping for a sub-4 finish, but it became increasingly obvious this was not achievable. I guess I will have to plan another marathon after all. 🤣

This will be my last marathon training update for Tobacco Road — the race is tomorrow.

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