Vertigo is Horrible

vertigo.pngI blogged recently about experiencing dizziness during my run last Saturday, while visiting Ireland on business. I thought at the time it was simply related to a combination of jet lag and dehydration.

The dizzy feeling went away on Sunday, and as I blogged then I felt just fine, hopeful I’d get back out for a run on Monday evening.

This wasn’t to be.

On Monday at work the dizziness returned. By lunchtime I had thrown up in the restrooms and had to be taken home by a co-worker.

I could write a whole post on the sole topic of getting an appointment with a doctor in Northern Ireland, but to cut a long story short, I ended up in A&E (ER) on Monday evening.

Continue reading “Vertigo is Horrible”

Jet Lag and Running

As I left home to go to the airport, the first flakes started to fall. My wife sent me pictures of the kids playing in the snow which made me miss them already. I was on my way from Raleigh, NC to Ireland for a work trip.

It was a pretty turbulent flight, but I felt OK and do not usually suffer with travel sickness when flying. I had to put my book down when it got really rough. Nothing else.

I arrived in Ireland to more snow and freezing temperatures, collected my car and drove to my parent’s house. After some catch-up, I thought I’d get a run in.

I decided I wouldn’t run outside, but instead use my parent’s treadmill. So I put on a pair of shorts and long sleeve top (it’s still cold inside). However, the treadmill was a no-go, The belt is slipping and I couldn’t run on it.

That’s leaves only one option…

I had to head outside. I grabbed my gloves, hat, buff, and off I went. I was pretty prepared, I thought. I had my trail shoes, which were great in the snow. I had a buff to keep the cold air off my face, and a nice hat. Even with shorts, it was manageable.

The first 1.5 miles felt good. No issues at all.

Then something didn’t feel right. At first I kept veering off to the right as I ran. I was loosing my balance. When I eventually stopped it hit me hard. My whole world was spinning. I waited a few minutes to see if I could shake it, but it wasn’t going away.

I started to walk back to the house and was staggering all over the sidewalk. I couldn’t walk straight. I felt like I was going to pass out. I kept walking, and due to complete disorientation, ended up the wrong road and had to come back down. At this stage I was hoping the police would pick me up for public drunkenness and take me home.

I made it back to the house eventually and immediately threw up in the bathroom and then laid on the bathroom floor for a while. Can I just say, no alcohol was involved here at all. But that’s probably what it looked like, and felt like though.

After a hot shower, I drank some fluids, in case it was dehydration, and ate some chocolate in case it was low blood sugar. It took around 3-4 hours to feel normal again.

Today I will rest, and not run.
