Look Up by Joy Oladokun

My Apple Music year end statistics came back recently and apparently Joy Oladokun is my number one listened to artist. That was not surprising really.

I was very happy to see Joy in concert a couple of months back in Chapel Hill, NC – at Cat’s Cradle. That was an amazing night. She is a top-class human in every way.

Here’s a cover of “Look Up” that I had a lot of fun making.


This song is pure nostalgia for me. Growing up in the eighties, this is one song that never seems to grow old on me. Morten Harket’s vocal range is just phenomenal, and there’s not many who can hit those notes in the chorus of the original song.

This particular version of the song is one I first heard used in the movie, Deadpool 2. I later found out it was recorded as part of an MTV unplugged concert. If you’re an A-HA fan and haven’t checked out that album, go find it on any of the streaming platforms. Amazing.

Anyway, here’s my version of Take On Me. Enjoy!

Say Something – A Great Big World (Alastair Vance Cover)

I’ve having a lot of fun on the music front at the moment. If you want to follow along, my dedicated facebook page is the best option.

Englishman In New York – Sting (Alastair Vance, Dillon Partin & Marshall Willner Cover)

I’ve enjoying picking up my guitar again and playing songs I’ve not played in the past. I had a lot of fun learning this Sting song. It’s always resonated with me in a way, being a recent immigrant to the States myself.

Thanks to Dillon Partin for reaching out with the opportunity to collaborate! I hope we don’t wait as long again before we play another song together.

This song was part of series from Harmonic Music Studios in Washington, DC. They were collaborating with different musicians to publish a song each day. I think Dillon and Marshall played on almost every video!

Check out some of the bands Dillon is involved in here:

  1. Zen Groove Funkestra
  2. Dave Hedeman & the Gone Ghosts

Instead Of A Show – Jon Foreman (Alastair Vance Cover)

This is one of my favorite Jon Foreman songs, and it’s based on words spoken by Amos, an old testament prophet. They are so applicable to today in many ways. You only have to skim over some “discussions” on social media platforms to see how distracted we have become with ourselves while ignoring the world’s injustices.

Let there be a flood of justice.

Cover Song: One – U2

You may or may not have noticed, the tag-line for my blog is “I like running and singing, but not at the same time…”. It’s been a while since I posted any music videos, but I’ve started to make an effort recently to get back to playing and recording more frequently.

Here is a cover of a U2 song, called “One”.

I’ll have a couple more songs coming soon, including some collaboration projects I’m really excited about. Stay tuned…